Active Communities
Our Active Communities Team work across the district to help residents with their physical health and wellbeing. They run a variety of weekly activities for all ages and abilities.
Activities for families and young people
Head to our holiday activities page to find out what we have planned for upcoming school holidays.
YouMove was introduced in May 2022 across Oxfordshire. It provides free or low cost activities for families across the county.
YouMove helps children and families in need, if your child or children are in receipt of benefits related free school meals, are carers or refugees then we have a fantastic range of activities to enjoy together, including during weekends and school holidays. Find out more by heading to our YouMove page.
Real Play
Real Play is aimed at children from 3-5 years old. It encourages families to learn and play together, whether that be on a journey to space, the circus, or having fun with different animal adventures.
Our Active Communities team hold free taster sessions across the district, check out our school holiday activities page for details on the next session.
Blaze Trails
Have a baby and want to join us for a walk? All walks are free and for parents with a baby in a buggy or sling.
We have a monthly walk at various locations. To register and find out walk details for the Oxfordshire Blaze Trails group, please visit the Blaze Trails website.
Activities for adults
Community Walks

Community Walks is a program run by The Active Communities Team to give people access to a friendly short group walk within easy reach of where they live to help them become and stay active.
Day | Start time | Location and meeting point | Walk Description |
Mondays | 10am | Wallingford – The Bull Croft Park ///sculpture.thousands.differ | 30mins. Very gentle walk around the park |
Mondays | 10am | Sonning Common – Millennium Field, Sonning Common /// | Level on surfaced footpaths |
Tuesdays | 10am | Sonning Common – Kingwood Common ///lunged.speaks.including | Fairly level. Some off road and gentle hills. No stiles |
Tuesdays | 10am | Didcot – Willowbrook Leisure Centre Car Park ///puddles.stint.grownup | 60 mins |
Tuesdays | 10am | Goring – The Rectory Gardens, by the village hall ///detect.chain.backpacks | 45 minutes or 60 minutes |
Wednesdays | 10am | Benson – Parish Hall Car Park ///mopped.difficult.subjects | 60 or 90 mins moderate walk. Flat walks on field paths and riverbank |
Thursdays | 10am | Didcot – Green Close, OX11 8TE ///nutty.move.jumps | 60 mins |
Thursdays | 10am | Dorchester – outside Co-op ///dots.doormat.shadowed | 30 mins |
Thursdays | 10am | Sonning Common – Far end Woodlands Road, Sonning Common ///steam.excellent.wobbling | Off road with moderate hills and possibility of stiles |
Fridays | 9.30am | Sonning Common – Kingwood Common ///lunged.speaks.including | Off road with steeper hills and possibility of stiles |
Fridays | 10am | Goring – The Rectory Gardens ///detect.chain.backpacks | 45 minutes or 60 minutes |
Fridays | 10.15am | 1st Friday of the Month CHALGROVE Meet in the public car park behind the Crown Pub ///immediate.shield.joked 2nd Friday of the Month WALLINGFORD Meet Wallingford Town Hall 10.15am From Chalgrove meet in public car park behind the Crown Pub 9.30am for car share. Return 12.30pm 3rd Friday of the month WATLINGTON Meet Pavilion Sports Field car park on B4009 just out of Watlington towards Motorway at 10.15am. From Chalgrove meet in public car park behind the Crown Pub 10.00am for car share. 4th Friday of the Month WALLINGFORD As per 2nd Friday above 5th Friday of the Month (where applicable) OXFORD Meet Carfax 10.30am No. 11 bus from Chalgrove outside The Crown 9.42 am. | |
Saturdays | 9am | Goring – The Rectory Gardens ///detect.chain.backpacks | 75 mins |
Saturdays | 9.30am | Sonning Common – Sonning Common Health Centre ///beakers.iron.resides | Off road with steeper hills and possibility of stiles |
Saturdays | 10am | Didcot – meet at the Ladygrove Pub ///fondest.fatigued.fries | 60 mins. Gentle walk around Ladygrove Estate |
Sundays | 10am | Goring – The Rectory Gardens ///detect.chain.backpacks | 60 mins |
To find out which walks take place across the Vale, take a look at the Vale of White Horse District Council Active Communities page.

Nordic Walking
Nordic Walking is an enhanced walking technique that uses poles to work your upper body as well as your legs. It is a fun and social activity that can be enjoyed in town centres or open countryside throughout the year
Sutton Courtenay – Recreation Ground – Every Wednesday and Friday at 9.30-10.30am.
There are also Nordic Walk for Parkinson’s sessions in Sutton Courtenay. Sessions can be booked as a 1-2-1 or in a group. If you’re interested please get in touch with the team via email.
Sport In Mind hold a free weekly walk for Mental Wellbeing in Henley on a Tuesday. Find out more on our “Find activities to suit you” page.
Please visit our RunTogether webpage for details of our running groups.
Other Activities
Activity | Day | Location | Time | Cost |
Walking Football | Monday & Thursday | Bishopswood Sports Ground RG4 9BT | Mon 5:45pm / Thu 10am | £3 |
Walking Football | Tuesday | Watlington Recreation Ground, OX49 5BZ | 12noon | £2 |
Walking Football | Wednesday & Friday | Chalgrove all weather court, Baronshurst Drive OX44 7TE | Wed 6.30pm / Fri 10am | £2 |
To find out about our activities taking place across the Vale of White Horse, take a look at the Vale of White Horse District Council Active Communities Page.
Move Together

Move Together provides personalised support for people who have long term health conditions and those who have been affected by Covid-19, to get active. You can find out more on our Move Together page
Please head to our “Find activities to suit you” page to find out about other activities you can sign up to in Oxfordshire.
And to keep up to date with all the activities and events coordinated by our Active Communities Team why not sign up to their newsletter.
How we use your data and why
Please read more about how we may use your information and your rights, including those about accessing your records, by downloading our Active Communities Team Privacy Notice
Contact us - Active Communities
01235 422422
(Text phone users add 18001 before dialing)
South Oxfordshire District Council
Abbey House
Abbey Close
OX14 3JE