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  • Wednesday 11 September: WARNING! We’ve been made aware some people in our district have received text messages about having to pay a parking fine. These are SCAMS – we would not send these messages. If you receive one please ignore this message. −

Brownfield land register

The Brownfield Land Register is a requirement for all Local Planning Authorities through the Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act (2004) and the Town and Country Planning (Brownfield Land Register) Regulations 2017.

The Register encourages the reuse of brownfield sitesor “previously development land” as defined by the National Planning Policy Framework and is intended to speed up the planning process for such sites.  The register focuses on the redevelopment of sites for residential use but can include other uses such as offices and retail provided they support a residential element. 

The Register comprises of two parts: 

  • Part 1 is compulsory for every Local Planning Authority and identifies all brownfield sites with full or outline planning permission.  It also contains brownfield sites that may be considered as appropriate for residential development, having regard to local and national policy; and
  • Part 2 is discretionary but does have prescribed details and actions. Sites included in Part 1 of the register can then be considered for inclusion in Part 2, where they can obtain ‘permission in principle’, subject to relevant publicity and consultation.  Part 2 is discretionary and is intended to speed up the planning process for redevelopment of brownfield sites.

A brownfield site is included in the register where it: 

  • has an area of 0.25 hectares or is capable of supporting at least five dwellings;
  • is promoted for residential development;
  • is achievable (development can take place within 15 years of the entry date); and
  • is suitable for residential development.

In addition to the above, the following points are also considered as part of the process to assess the suitability of brownfield sites for residential development.  This is in accordance with national guidance.

  • Any adverse impacts on the natural environment
  • Any adverse impacts on the local built environment, in particular on heritage assets
  • Any adverse impacts on the local amenity that such development might cause for intended occupiers or occupiers of neighbouring properties
  • The spatial strategy of the adopted and emerging Local Plans
  • National Policies and advice
  • Guidance issued by the Secretary of State

You can see a map of the brownfield sites contained in the register using the links below.

We’re legally obliged to publish a register of the brownfield land available for development in South Oxfordshire. We’ve put this register together according to the government’s guidance.

The Brownfield Register was updated in April 2024.

The relevant maps for sites on the register are as follows:

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OX14 3JE