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  • Wednesday 11 September: WARNING! We’ve been made aware some people in our district have received text messages about having to pay a parking fine. These are SCAMS – we would not send these messages. If you receive one please ignore this message. −

The Electoral Register and Open Register

Full electoral register

The full electoral register includes the names and addresses of everyone registered to vote within the district boundaries of our local authority. It can’t be sold to anyone, but it can be viewed in person at our council offices under supervision.

Data on the register can only be used for specific purposes outlined in legislation, including:

  • electoral purposes
  • to prevent and detect crime
  • to call you for jury service
  • to check applications for loans or credit
  • to aid election campaigns for political parties and candidates

Open register

The open register is an extract of the full electoral register – it can be bought by any person, company or organisation. We are legally required to provide this information upon request and receipt of the relevant payment.

Your name and address is included in the open register by default, unless you ask for them to be removed (also known as ‘opting out’).

How do I opt out from the open register?

To opt out of the open register simply tick the appropriate box on the form when you register to vote.

If you are already registered, you can opt out by emailing a request to asking for your opt out status to be updated. Please ensure you include your full name and address in your email so that we can find your elector record.

Request a copy of the open register

If you wish to purchase a copy of the open register, please email a request to

In your request, please clearly specify what areas you want to purchase (i.e. full district, wards, parishes or polling districts) and in what format. We can provide digital data (for a spreadsheet) or PDF copies.

How do I view the register?

The register can be viewed at our council offices between 8.30am and 5.00pm from Monday to Thursday, or on Friday between 8.30am and 4.00pm. 

Please call the elections team on 01235 422528 to make an appointment. You will be asked whether you wish to view the open or the full register, and for which electoral area.

Viewing of the full register is required to be under supervision, and so for that purpose we offer 15 minute time slots. We can offer up to four slots per person, per day.  You will be asked to complete a register viewing request form on arrival.

Viewing of the open register does not require supervision and appointments can be unlimited in length, however we need advance notification to arrange for the necessary documentation to be prepared. 

We cannot guarantee that a member of the team will be available if no appointment is made in advance.

Regulations in respect of viewing the Register of Electors

In accordance with the Representation of the People (England and Wales) Regulations 2001 (as amended): 

  • The Register of Electors is open to public inspection under supervision and contains the names of all those registered to vote in a certain area.
  • Information from the Register may be recorded only by making minimal hand written notes. Photocopying or electronic recording are not permitted by law.
  • Information taken from the Register must not be used for direct marketing purposes (as per Section 11(3) of the Data Protection Act 1998), unless the information has also been published in the Open version of the Register of Electors
  • Under the Regulations referred to above, anyone who fails to observe these conditions is committing a criminal offence. The penalty is a fine of up to level 5 (£5000 as of 2010).

Privacy Notice

Please refer to our data protection page for more information on how we process your personal information.

Contact us - Electoral services

01235 422600
(Text phone users add 18001 before dialing)

South Oxfordshire District Council
Abbey House
Abbey Close
OX14 3JE