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Previous consultations

You can download recent consultation and engagement reports using the links below.

If you would like to request a report in an alternative format (for example large print, Braille, audio, email, Easy Read and alternative languages) please email or call 01235 422425.

Waste Satisfaction Survey 2024

This survey was an opportunity for South Oxfordshire residents to provide feedback on waste services, including the waste and recycle collection service, street cleansing, and food waste service. The survey ran between 12 March and 23 April 2024. You can read the summary report here.

Rural Crime Consultation 2023

In October 2023, we invited residents, farming communities and business/organisations to have their say on how rural crime is affecting their communities.

A survey was created to gather feedback on a variety of areas including respondents’ knowledge of the community safety partnership, Thames Valley Rural Crime Taskforce, crimes they are most concerned about and what the Community Safety Partnership (CSP) could do to help tackle them.

You can view the consultation summary report below.

Rural Crime Consultation Report

South and Vale Air Quality Action Plan

In June 2023, we asked residents and stakeholders for their views on the Draft Air Quality Action Plan 2023-27, which outlines proposed actions to improve air quality in the districts. The consultation provided respondents with the opportunity to comments on area-wide and specific actions impacting: Abingdon, Botley, Henley-on-Thames, Marcham, Wallingford and Watlington.

Air Quality Action Plan Consultation Report

Air Quality Action Plan Consultation Report – Appendix

Consultation and Engagement Annual Report 2022/23

This report provides an overview of all the projects that the Consultation and Community Engagement team delivered between 1 April 2022 and 31 March 2023.

Consultation and Engagement Annual Report

Consultation and Engagement Annual Report – Accessible Version

Proposed Taxi Tariff for South Oxfordshire 2024

In January 2024 we asked drivers and proprietors for their views on a revised maximum taxi tariff using the ‘Guildford model’, a nationally recognised method to calculate taxi tariffs. You can view the report on the results here and see information on how we have used the model. The results were presented to Cabinet on 18 April and they agreed to set a new tariff which takes effect from 20 April 2024. The new tariff is available to view above. 

Dorchester-on-Thames and Overy Conservation Area Appraisal

In February 2023, we invited residents to give their views on the Dorchester-on-Thames and Overy Conservation Area Appraisal document. The appraisal has been updated following feedback from the consultation and has been formally adopted as a supplementary planning document. This document will be used to inform planning decisions and is available to view on our conservation area webpage.

You can view the Consultation Report and Appendix below and find out more information about the Dorchester-on-Thames and Overy Conservation Area here.

Consultation Report and Appendix

Cuxham Conservation Area Appraisal

In February 2023, we invited residents to give their views on the Cuxham Conservation Area Appraisal document. The appraisal is currently undergoing review. The appraisal has been updated following feedback from the consultation and has been formally adopted as a supplementary planning document. This document will be used to inform planning decisions and is available to view on our conservation area webpage.

You can view the Consultation Report below and find out more information about the Cuxham Conservation Area here.

Consultation Report

Joint Local Plan 2041

We carried out a public consultation asking for your thoughts on the main issues facing our districts and how we could use the Joint Local Plan to address them. Our Joint Local Plan Issues consultation was open from 12 May until 23 June 2022.

We have analysed the responses and are now sharing what you told us.

To show the results we have made some updates to our interactive Issues Consultation website. As you explore this interactive website you will see snapshots of the results and links to the full consultation results document for further details.

We’ve also produced a full ‘Issues Consultation Results’ document here if you prefer a more traditional document format. 

Find out more information about the plan on the Joint Local Plan webpage.

Diversity and Inclusion Strategy

In August 2022, we invited comments on our draft Diversity and Inclusion Strategy. All comments have been considered and used to help us improve our strategy and action plan. You can view the Consultation Report and adopted Strategy below. More information about diversity and inclusion is available on our webpages.

Consultation Report

Diversity and Inclusion Strategy

Henley-on-Thames Conservation Area Appraisal

In March 2022, we asked residents for their views on the Henley-on-Thames Area Appraisal document. All comments have been considered. Click on the links to view the Cabinet Report (which details the council’s recommendations) and adopted Area Appraisal. The Consultation Report and Appendix can viewed below.

Consultation Report

Appendix to the consultation report

Validation Checklists

In September 2022, we asked agents, developers, landowners and businesses/organisations for their views on the planning application Validation Checklists and Validation Guide. All comments have been considered and the consultation report and appendix can be viewed below. You can find out more information about the checklists and view the adopted versions on the validation checklist webpage.

Consultation Report

Appendix to the consultation report

Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) Charging Schedule and Developer Contributions Supplementary Planning Document (SPD)

In February 2022 we invited comments on our Draft CIL Charging Schedule and Developer Contributions Supplementary Planning Document (SPD). You can find out more information about the consultations and view the adopted documents on the following webpages:

Developer Contributions Supplementary Planning Document (SPD)

Proposed Taxi Tariff for South Oxfordshire

In June 2022 we asked drivers and proprietors for their views on a maximum taxi tariff for South Oxfordshire. The results were presented to Cabinet on 29 September and they agreed to set a new tariff which takes effect from 1 October 2022. You can find out more information on the taxi fares webpage.

Joint Design Guide

Both councils ran a consultation to get feedback from stakeholders and the public on the draft Joint Design Guide at the beginning of 2022. A summary of the responses can be found within the consultation report. The comments were used to draft the final Joint Design Guide, which was adopted by South Oxfordshire District Council by its cabinet on 23rd June 2022 and Vale of White Horse District Council by its cabinet on 24th June 2022.

You can view the consultation report and adopted Joint Design Guide on our webpages.

Statement of Community Involvement (SCI) consultation statement

The SCI sets out how we will consult on planning applications and planning policy, including the joint Local Plan. The consultation statement summarises the results of the survey and all of the comments received during the consultation. You can find out more on our SCI page.

SCI Consultation statement

Statement of Licensing Principles (Gambling Policy) report

Public consultation reports on the proposed changes to the Joint South Oxfordshire and Vale of White Horse district councils’ Statement of Licensing Principles, otherwise known as the Gambling Policy. The policy describes how we deal with applications for gambling activities. You can find out more on our Gambling policy page.

Statement of Licensing Policy report

Public consultation reports on the proposed changes to the Joint Statement of Licensing Policy for South Oxfordshire and Vale of White Horse district councils. The licensing policy covers licensable activities such as the sale and supply of alcohol, regulated entertainment and late-night refreshment. You can find out more on our licensing policy page.

Taxi licensing policy consultation report

Public consultation on the proposed changes to the draft hackney carriage and private hire licensing policy, which sets out how we regulate hackney carriages (taxis) and private hire vehicles in South Oxfordshire and Vale of White Horse. You can find out more information on our taxi policy page. Published June 2021.


Off street parking consultation report

Public consultation on the proposed changes to off-street parking in South Oxfordshire, to help determine the new parking Order and how the council operates its car parks across the district. The report and appendix is below. You can find out more information on our parking policy page. Published March 2021.

South Oxfordshire Corporate Plan engagement report

Public consultation on the six priority themes and illustrative projects in the Corporate Plan 2020 – 2024.
Published October 2020.

South and Vale Business Recovery Survey report

We ran a survey that asked local businesses for feedback on how their business has been impacted by Covid-19, whether it has affected them negatively, positively or it has not affected them at all.
Published November 2020.

Homelessness and rough sleeping strategy consultation report

Public consultation on the draft Homelessness and Rough Sleeping Strategy 2020-2024, which sets out how we believe we can tackle and prevent homelessness and rough sleeping in our district.
Published July 2020.

Housing Allocations Policy consultation report

Public consultation on proposed revisions to South Oxfordshire and Vale of White Horse Joint Housing Allocations policy
Published March 2019.


South CIL spending strategy consultation report

Public consultation on our draft Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) Spending Strategy, which asked how we think the council should allocate CIL revenue.
Published February 2019.


For feedback on older consultations, please contact the council’s Consultation and Engagement team using the details in the contacts section of this page.

Contact us - Consultations

01235 422425
(Text phone users add 18001 before dialing)

South Oxfordshire District Council
Abbey House
Abbey Close
OX14 3JE