Your annual voter registration letter is coming – please check the details!
Residents in South Oxfordshire and the Vale of White Horse are being urged to check the details on a letter they will receive from their district council from the end of July.
South Oxfordshire and Vale of White Horse District Councils will be sending a ‘Canvass Communication Form’ to every home requiring the residents to check the details of everyone over the age of 16 that lives in their property. This is something local authorities need to do by law each year in order to ensure the electoral register is up to date.
The letter people receive in July/August will depend on whether or not records indicate that there has been a change in the registered voters living at their property – for instance, if a registered voter has recently moved into a property then that address will receive a yellow letter, while a home whose occupants have remained the same since the last election will receive a green letter.
What you need to do:
If your household receives a yellow letter:
Once you have checked the details, please visit householdresponse.com/southandvale to either confirm that everything is correct, or to update the information for your property. You will need the two-part code on the letter to do this.
If your household receives a green letter:
- if the details are correct – you don’t need to do anything, you can simply keep the letter for you records or shred it and put it in your recycling bin.
- if the information is not correct – please visit householdresponse.com/southandvale to update the details for your property. You will need the two-part code on the letter to do this.
In either case, the letter will explain exactly what you need to do – it is very important that you read it carefully.
If you are required to either confirm or update your details online, please do so as quickly as possible – this helps to ensure that councils don’t have to send you a reminder or try to contact you again this Autumn to confirm the information.
Mark Stone, Electoral Registration Officer for South Oxfordshire and Vale of White Horse District Councils, said: “When you receive your letter please read it carefully and follow the instructions. Most people should not need to do anything, however if you do need to confirm or update your details please do so as soon as possible as this will help us to avoid having to issue costly reminders later on.”