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Vote by proxy – appoint somebody to vote on your behalf

If you’re unable to vote in person on polling day, you can appoint someone else to vote on your behalf at your polling station. This is called a proxy.

The person you choose must be over 18, registered and entitled to vote in the type of election being held, and should be someone you trust such as a close friend or relative.

Depending on your situation, you might be able to appoint somebody to vote on your behalf at every election.

How does my proxy vote for me?

Your nominated proxy will have to go to your designated polling station on polling day. They cannot cast your vote at their local polling station, unless it is the same as yours.

Your proxy will need to introduce themselves to the staff at the polling station and state they are a proxy (it can help if they bring their proxy poll card). The polling station staff will locate them on their list of absent voters, mark the register, and issue them with a ballot paper to cast your vote for you.

Once your proxy has voted on your behalf, you will not be able to vote in person.

If your nominated proxy cannot get to your local polling station they can apply for a postal vote as a proxy – please see the Vote by post page for further information.

How to apply to vote by proxy

From 31 October 2023, you must apply for your proxy vote online through the new government portal.

You will also need to provide your National Insurance number as part of the application process.

You can apply for a proxy vote at any time until 5pm, on the sixth working day before an election, unless you already have already arranged a postal vote.

Elections Act changes

Following implementation of the Elections Act 2022, a person will only be able to act as a proxy for up to 2 people living in the UK and a further 2 that live abroad and are registered as overseas electors.

Alternatively, a person can act as a proxy for up to 4 people living abroad that are registered as overseas electors.

How do I change from a postal vote to a proxy vote?

If you want to change your absent vote from a postal vote to a proxy vote, you must submit a new application by the postal vote deadline of 5pm, 11 working days before polling day.

If you submit a proxy vote application after the postal vote deadline has passed, even if it is before the proxy vote application deadline, we will be unable to process it until after the election or referendum has taken place.

Emergency proxy

If an emergency means you can’t get to the polling station on election day you may be able to apply for an emergency proxy.

It must be for either a medical emergency, Voter ID (VAC) or a work reason. You may also be eligible to apply for an emergency proxy if you are registered as an anonymous elector and do not have an Anonymous Elector’s Document (AED).

You need to complete and return an emergency proxy application to the elections office before 5pm on polling day. The relevant form can be downloaded from the UK government website here.

Completed forms can be scanned or photographed and emailed to Electoral Services using the contact details in the section below.

Contact us - Electoral services

01235 422600
(Text phone users add 18001 before dialing)

South Oxfordshire District Council
Abbey House
Abbey Close
OX14 3JE