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  • You can now pay for your garden waste permit. The quickest way to do this is online. Our phone lines are busier than normal. If you encounter any issues, this may be due to the high volume of users in the system – please try again later. − Pay here:

Local flood warnings and weather alerts

There are reports of properties flooding and road closures in some locations. Here is some useful information so you can monitor the situation near you.

Flood warnings and alerts

There are Flood Warnings in place in our district, meaning flooding is likely or expected. Check the government’s live flood map to see if your area is affected, but anybody living in an area usually at risk of flooding should take action to protect their property now.

Preparing for flooding

Oxfordshire County Council’s flood toolkit website gives advice to homeowners, businesses, landowners and the community on flood prevention and recovery, and what to do in an emergency. 

Avoid driving through flood water and avoid towpaths. Flood water is not clean and not suitable for children to play in. There might be hidden hazards under the water such as manhole covers that have lifted. Anyone who has been in flood water should wash their hands at the soonest opportunity.

What to do if you’re flooding

Take a look at the Oxfordshire County Council  flood toolkit website for advice and information for what to do in an emergency.

If it’s a flooding emergency you should focus on the safety of yourself and your family. Dial 999 if it is an emergency and you or someone else is in danger. If there is flooding to your property, make sure you stay safe and see the Help I’m Flooding page for more information on what to do.

The County Council also have a live news page with flooding information, which also includes any information about possible school closures and power outages.

The Environment Agency’s flooding helpline (24 hours a day, 7 days a week)

  • Telephone: 0345 988 1188
  • Textphone: 0345 602 6340

Waste collections

Our bin crews are out as usual but may be unable to access some roads due to the flooding.

Even if the roads around you look ok, there may be some issues elsewhere on the crew’s route which can significantly slow them down and mean they don’t have time to complete their rounds.

If we cannot empty your bins, then please leave them out (where it is safe to do so) and our crews will do their best to catch up over the weekend.