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  • Friday 17 January: We are currently experiencing some issues with emails so it may take staff and councillors a little longer than normal to respond − sorry for any inconvenience.

Community litter picking – how we can help

Although we work hard to keep our public spaces clear of litter, we know that many of you enjoy playing your part in keeping your community clear and have been doing great work picking up litter in open spaces and public areas. Thank you!

To help out, we can provide groups and individuals with pre-booked litter picking equipment. We offer litter pickers, hi-vis jackets, branded bags for rubbish and recyclables and litter picking hoops. We can also arrange for the bags of litter you pick to be collected afterwards. 

How to book litter picking equipment

If you wish to borrow litter picking equipment from us and/or arrange to have your litter pick bags collected afterwards then:

It’s helpful for us to know when and how many litter picks are taking place and in which locations so we can plan accordingly.

Advice for carrying out a litter pick

Whichever way you decide to do your litter pick, please stay safe – please don’t litter pick by busy roads and please follow the guidance from Keep Britain Tidy.

If you have any queries about litter picking, including our offer to lend litter picking equipment to individuals on a long term loan basis, please contact the waste team using the contact details at the bottom of the page.

Help to spread the word

Remember to share photos and video from your event with us on social media. And, if you are looking for volunteers for an upcoming litter pick, make sure you tag us in and we’ll do our best to help spread the word.

Contact us - Waste and recycling

01235 422406
(Text phone users add 18001 before dialing)

The Waste Team
Abbey House
Abbey Close
OX14 3JE