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Budget information

Revenue Budget

Every February, we are required to set a budget for day-to-day expenditure needed to provide the services for the financial year starting on 1 April. Some of the money comes from central government, in the form of revenue grants, whilst the rest is raised from the council tax and charges the council makes for some of its services.

For copies of the budget and appendices please see downloads section

Find out more about the council’s budget for:







Council Tax

At the same time as setting our revenue budget we also have to set the district council tax. The total council tax for each property is made up of four elements – district, town or parish, Oxfordshire County Council and Thames Valley Police. We publish information on how we spend the money and the services we provide.

For more information about council tax see the council tax and benefits pages.

Fees and Charges

To help set a balanced revenue budget each year the council makes charges for some of its services. Find out more about fees and charges:


Capital Programme

The council also sets a capital budget each year which sets out the cost of the capital programme for the forthcoming years.

The capital programme is an agreed list of capital projects that are usually of a “one-off” nature and the expenditure typically happens over more than one financial year. Capital expenditure results in the construction, acquisition or improvement of an asset such as a building or other community facility e.g. Didcot town centre redevelopment.

Capital expenditure is paid for using money the council has saved in previous years, the proceeds from selling council assets such as surplus land or buildings (capital receipts), interest received on investments, contributions from building developers and specific government grants.

Contact us - Finance - general queries

01235 422413
(Text phone users add 18001 before dialing)

South Oxfordshire District Council
Abbey House
Abbey Close
OX14 3JE