Planning Application Details

P98/W0236/OApplication Type: Outline (Show Map - opens in new window)
Status Bar
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Application registered
Consultation period
Application under consideration
Decision made
Demolition of B1 buildings, conversion of part of Fountain Building to include mezzanine floor. Erection of three new B1 buildings. Car parking. (As amplified by letters from agent dated 16 April 1998 and from applicant dated 14 May 1998, 7 July 1998 and 11 July 1998).
HR Wallingford, Howbery Park, Crowmarsh
Grid Reference
HR Wallingford Group Ltd
Howbery Park
Oxon,   OX10 8BA
Westfield House
31 Shirburn Street
Grade II Listed Building
Case Officer
Mr M.P.Brookes
Telephone: 01235 422600
View officers committee report (04/11/1998) here
Consultation / Notification
No further Representations on this application will be accepted.

Consultations / Notifications to date are shown below.

Name / Number
Date Sent
Response Date
c/o Mr K Leyshon,
3 Jethro Tull Gardens,
Crowmarsh Gifford,
OX10 8DS
01 06 1998
Tech.Dir,Babtie Engineering S.
Land Use Planning  (Policy)
17 06 1998
Conservation Officer
Benson Lane
Technical Director, Babtie
15 05 1998
S.Clarke,Snr.Pl.Liaison Off.
20 05 1998
Tech.Information Manager-TWUL
11 05 1998
c/o Mrs E Leppard,
Parish Hall,
OX10 6LZ
County Archaeologist
55 The Street
Crowmarsh Gifford
Oxon   OX10 8EA
30 04 1998
The Lodge
Howberry Park
OX10 8BD
11 05 1998
French Gardens
37 Benson Lane
Crowmarsh Gifford
OX10 8ED
11 05 1998
Application Type
Minor (Outline)
Application Progress
Date Received  
23rd March 1998
Registration Date  
23rd March 1998
Start Consultation Period  
23rd March 1998
End Consultation Period  
23rd April 1998
Target Decision Date  
18th May 1998
Target Committee Meeting  
4th November 1998
Outline Planning Permission on 8th December 1999
Conditions / Refusal Reasons
Approval of reserved matters - landscaping for Phase 1 That approval of the landscaping of the Phase 1 proposals shall be obtained from the Local Planning Authority in writing before any development is commenced; approval of the landscaping, access and the siting, design and external appearance of the buildings in Phase 2 shall be obtained from the Local Planning Authority in writing before any development in Phase 2 is commenced.

Reserved Matters referred to in Condition 1 to be submitted within 3 years. That application for the approval of the reserved matters referred to in Condition 1 above shall be made to the Local Planning Authority not later than three years from the date of this permission, and if this condition is not complied with this permission shall lapse. Reason: By virtue of Sections 91 to 95 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990.

Commencement within five years from the date of this permission or two years from final approval of reserved matters. That the development hereby permitted shall be begun either before the expiration of five years from the date of this permission, or before the expiration of two years from the date of approval of the last of the reserved matters to be approved, whichever is the later. Reason: By virtue of Sections 91 to 95 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990.

Demolish existing buildings/structures within 12 months of first occupation of new floorspace (Phases 1 and 2) or 3 years (max). That all buildings and structures identified for demolition in Phase 1 shall be demolished, the materials removed from the site and the areas landscaped in accordance with details approved in accordance with Condition 1 within one year of first occupation of any of the additional accommodation hereby permitted. That all buildings identified for demolition in Phase 2 shall be demolished, the materials removed from the site and the areas landscaped in accordance with details approved in accordance with Condition 1 on completion of development on buildings 3 and 4 but prior to first occupation of those buildings or within six years of the commencement of any development on the site, whichever is earlier. Reason: Permission is only granted because of the loss of potential employment and environmental benefits from the demolition works.

Provide parking for each building including provision for disabled and secure covered cycle parking. That notwithstanding details contained in the application none of the additional accommodation hereby permitted shall be occupied until provision for car parking including spaces for disabled persons and secure covered cycle facilities have been provided for that accommodation in accordance with details submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. The facilities shall thereafter be retained and maintained. Reason: To comply with the Local Planning Authority's vehicle parking standards and to protect local amenities.

Sample materials - walls and roofs. That samples of the materials to be used for the external walls and roofs shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority before any development commences. Reason: To ensure that the details of the development are satisfactory.

No development to begin until drainage details approved. That development shall not begin until a scheme for the disposal of foul sewage has been submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. Reason: In the interests of public health and to avoid pollution.

Details of swd works to be approved. That details of surface water drainage works shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority prior to the development commencing. Reason: In the interests of public health.

Site investigation for potential pollution of surface water and groundwater. Before the development is commenced a detailed site investigation shall be carried out to establish if the site is contaminated, to assess the degree and nature of the contamination present, and to determine its potential for the pollution of the water environment. The method and extent of this site investigation shall be agreed with the Planning Authority prior to commencement of the work. Details of appropriate measures to prevent pollution of groundwater and surface water, including provisions for monitoring, shall then be submitted to and approved in writing by the Planning Authority before development commences. The development shall then proceed in strict accordance with the measures approved. Reason: To prevent pollution of the water environment.

Archaelogical investigation. No development shall take place within the application area (excluding the demolition of existing buildings) until the applicant has been responsible for implementing a programme of phased archaeological work in accordance with a written scheme of investigation supplied by the applicant and acceptable to the Planning Authority. The initial field evaluation phase will commence immediately following the demolition of existing buildings. Any further archaeological investigation and recording that may be required in mitigation, shall be completed prior to the commencement of any groundworks/construction works in those areas identified as containing archaeological deposits. The work shall be carried out by a professionally qualified archaeological organisation acceptable to the Planning Authority. Reason: That the development may affect sites of archaeological interest.
No appeal lodged.
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