Planning Application Details

P23/S0791/S73Application Type: Section 73 (Show Map - opens in new window)
Status Bar
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Application registered
Consultation period
Application under consideration
Decision made
Variation of conditions 2(approved plans), 3(sample materials), 4(surface water drainage), 5(foul water drainage) 6(biodiversity enhancement plan), 7(landscaping) 8 (boundary details) 9 (glazing) 10(contamination - phased risk assessment) 15 (parking & manoeuvring areas retained) and 16(contamination- phased risk assessment) on application reference number P21/S4995/FUL (Demolition of existing buildings and redevelopment to provide five dwellings with associated works).
Former Upthorpe Farm Moreton Road Aston Tirrold OX11 9EW
Grid Reference
  Sweetcroft Homes
c/o agent
c/o JPPC
John Phillips Planning Consultancy
JPPC, Bagley Croft
Hinksey Hill
Case Officer
Andy Heron
Telephone: 01235 422600
Consultation / Notification
No further Representations on this application will be accepted.

Consultations / Notifications to date are shown below.

Name / Number
Date Sent
Response Date
Aston Tirrold Parish Council
c/o Miss Sarah Brown
15 Chilton Fields
OX11 0SQ
07 03 2023
The Reeves
1 Alisons Lane
Aston Tirrold
OX11 9GW
07 03 2023
10 Alisons Lane
Aston Tirrold
OX11 9GW
07 03 2023
2 The Croft
Aston Tirrold
OX11 9DL
07 03 2023
10 03 2023
12 Alisons Lane
Aston Tirrold
OX11 9GW
07 03 2023
18 Alisons Lane
Aston Tirrold
OX11 9GW
07 03 2023
6 The Croft
Aston Tirrold
OX11 9DL
07 03 2023
Blewbury Cottage
5 Lower Ham Yard
Aston Tirrold
OX11 9GX
07 03 2023
1 The Croft
Aston Tirrold
OX11 9DL
07 03 2023
16 Alisons Lane
Aston Tirrold
OX11 9GW
07 03 2023
Winterbrook Cottage
6 Alisons Lane
Aston Tirrold
OX11 9GW
07 03 2023
Little Stoke Cottage
4 Alisons Lane
Aston Tirrold
OX11 9GW
07 03 2023
4 The Croft
Aston Tirrold
OX11 9DL
07 03 2023
Moreton Cottage
8 Alisons Lane
Aston Tirrold
OX11 9GW
07 03 2023
14 Alisons Lane
Aston Tirrold
OX11 9GW
07 03 2023
3 The Croft
Aston Tirrold
OX11 9DL
07 03 2023
The Farmhouse
6 Lower Ham Yard
Aston Tirrold
OX11 9GX
07 03 2023
Upthorpe Barn
2 Alisons Lane
Aston Tirrold
OX11 9GW
07 03 2023
5 The Croft
Aston Tirrold
OX11 9DL
07 03 2023
Application Type
Minor (Section 73)
Application Progress
Date Received  
2nd March 2023
Registration Date  
3rd March 2023
Start Consultation Period  
7th March 2023
End Consultation Period  
28th March 2023
Target Decision Date  
28th April 2023
Planning Permission on 28th April 2023
Conditions / Refusal Reasons
The development to which this permission relates shall begin by 1 August 2025. Reason: By virtue of Sections 91 to 95 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 as amended by section 51 of the Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act 2004. Related application(s): P23/S2953/DIS, P24/S0690/DIS

The development hereby approved shall be carried out in accordance with the details shown on the following approved plans except as controlled or modified by conditions of this permission: Location plan - drawing no. 20011-L1010-D Proposed ditch / swale section - drawing no. 20011-PD0010 Proposed site plan - drawing no. 20011-PP1010-M Proposed site plan - drawing no. 20011-PP1011-R Plot 1, 2 and 3 - proposed plans - drawing no. 20011-PP1030-D Proposed garages and bin store - drawing no. 20011-PP1031 A Plot 4 - proposed plans - drawing no. 20011-PP4030-G Plot 5 - proposed plans - drawing no. 20011-PP5030-I Reason: To secure the proper planning of the area in accordance with Development Plan policies.

The development shall be undertaken using the external materials shown on information sheet '20011- PV02' approved under P22/S3449/DIS unless otherwise agreed in writing by the Local Planning Authority. Reason: In the interests of the visual appearance of the development in accordance with policies DES1 and DES2 of the South Oxfordshire Local Plan 2035.

The development shall be undertaken using the surface water drainage scheme approved under P22/S3449/DIS unless otherwise agreed in writing by the Local Planning Authority Reason: To ensure the proper provision of surface water drainage and to ensure flooding is not exacerbated in the locality in accordance with policy EP4 of the South Oxfordshire Local Plan 2035.

The development shall be undertaken using the foul water drainage scheme approved under P22/S3449/DIS unless otherwise agreed in writing by the Local Planning Authority Reason: To ensure the proper provision of foul water drainage and to ensure flooding and pollution is not exacerbated in the locality in accordance with policy EP4 of the South Oxfordshire Local Plan 2035.

The development shall be undertaken in accordance with the approved biodiversity enhancement plan shown on drawing PPH01_bepH, with all features being provided prior to first occupation of the dwellings. Reason: To secure biodiversity enhancements on site, in accordance with Policy ENV3 of the South Oxfordshire Local Plan 2035 and paragraphs 174 and 180 of the NPPF.

The development shall be undertaken using the information sheet '2022_67_001rev B' in relation to a scheme for the landscaping of the site, including the planting of live trees and shrubs and the treatment of hard standings unless otherwise agreed in writing by the Local Planning Authority. The approved scheme shall be implemented prior to the first occupation of the development hereby approved and thereafter be maintained in accordance with the approved scheme. In the event any of the trees or shrubs planted die, or are seriously damaged or destroyed within 5 years of the completion of the development, a new tree or shrub or equivalent number of trees or shrubs, of a species first approved by the Local Planning Authority, shall be planted and properly maintained in a position or positions first approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority Reason: To help to assimilate the development into its surroundings in accordance with policies ENV1, DES1 and DES2 of the South Oxfordshire Local Plan 2035.

The development shall be undertaken using the information sheet '2022_67 001 rev B' in relation to boundary walls, fences and any other means of enclosure unless otherwise agreed in writing by the Local Planning Authority. No dwelling shall be occupied until the boundary to its garden has been provided and all approved means of enclosure shall be erected prior to the occupation of the fifth dwelling. Reason: In the interests of the visual appearance of the development in accordance with Policies DES1 and DES2 of the South Oxfordshire Local Plan 2035.

No windows shall be installed on the north and east elevations of Units 1, 2, 3, 4 as highlighted on drawing PP1011glaz until details of the specification of the external glazing for all those windows have been submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. For the avoidance of doubt, this condition requires the provision of a scheme to minimise visible light transmittance from inside to out. Thereafter, the glazing approved shall be installed and maintained in perpetuity in accordance with the approved details, unless otherwise agreed in writing by the Local Planning Authority. Reason: To protect the appearance of the area, the environment and wildlife, and local residents from light pollution in accordance with policy ENV1 of the South Oxfordshire Local Plan 2035.

The development shall be undertaken in accordance with the Phase One preliminary risk assessment, Phase Two comprehensive intrusive investigation, and Phase 3 remediation strategy approved under P22/S3449/DIS unless otherwise agreed in writing by the Local Planning Authority. Reason - To ensure that any ground, water and associated gas contamination is identified and adequately addressed to ensure the safety of the development, the environment and to ensure the site is suitable for the proposed use in line with the NPPF and policy ENV11 of the South Oxfordshire Local Plan 2035.

The development shall accord with the approved tree protection scheme dated June 2022. The approved tree protection scheme shall be implemented prior to any works being carried out on site and the agreed measures shall be kept in place during the entire course of development. Reason: To safeguard trees which are visually important in accordance with Policies ENV1, DES1, and DES2 of the South Oxfordshire Local Plan 2035.

The development shall accord with the approved construction traffic management plan (CTMP) reference: 20011. The approved CTMP shall be implemented prior to any works being carried out on site and shall be maintained throughout the course of the development. Reason: In the interests of highway safety and to mitigate the impact of construction vehicles on the surrounding highway network, road infrastructure and local residents, particularly at morning and afternoon peak traffic times and in accordance with policy TRANS5 of the South Oxfordshire Local Plan 2035.

No dwelling shall be occupied until all carbon reduction energy efficiency measures associated with the dwelling have been implemented in accordance with the energy statement produced by MH Energy Consultants hereby approved and a verification report shall be submitted to the local planning authority and approved in writing. The verification report shall demonstrate (with photographic evidence) that the energy efficiency measures have been implemented. These measures shall be retained and maintained as such thereafter in accordance with the energy statement and verification report. Reason: To ensure high standards of sustainable design and construction in accordance with policy DES10 of the South Oxfordshire Local Plan 2035.

No dwelling shall be occupied until an Electric Vehicle Charging Point has been installed for that dwelling as per approved plan reference 20011-PP1010-I. Reason: To ensure sustainable forms of transport are provided in accordance with policy TRANS5 of the South Oxfordshire Local Plan 2035.

No dwelling shall be occupied until the parking and turning areas have been provided in accordance with drawing no. 20011-PP1011R. The parking and turning areas shall be constructed, laid out, surfaced, drained and completed to be compliant with sustainable drainage (SuDS) principles, and shall be retained unobstructed except for the parking of vehicles associated with the development at all times. Reason: In the interests of highway safety and in accordance with policy TRANS5 of the South Oxfordshire Local Plan 2035.

The development shall not be occupied until the approved remediation strategy under Condition 10 of planning permission P21/S4995/FUL- Remediation Implementation Plan (ref: 45475) submitted by Eastwood Consulting Engineers dated 25.11.2022 has been carried out in full and a validation report confirming completion of these works has been submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. Reason: To ensure that any ground, water and associated gas contamination is identified and adequately addressed to ensure the safety of the development, the environment and to ensure the site is suitable for the proposed use in accordance with the NPPF and policy ENV11 of the South Oxfordshire Local Plan 2035.

The developer shall confirm in writing to the Local Planning Authority the presence of any unsuspected contamination encountered during the development. In the event of any contamination to the land and/or water being encountered, no development shall continue until a programme of investigation and/or remedial works to include methods of monitoring and certification of such works undertaken has been submitted to and approved in writing by the local planning authority. Reason: To ensure that any ground, water and associated gas contamination is identified and adequately addressed to ensure the safety of the development, the environment and to ensure the site is suitable for the proposed use in accordance with policy ENV11 of the South Oxfordshire Local Plan 2035.

No external lighting shall be provided on site other than that which has first been permitted in accordance with a lighting scheme submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority prior to the installation of any external lighting. Any external lighting provided shall be implemented only in accordance with the approved details and directed downwards to prevent undue light spread/spillage, and shall thereafter be retained as such. Reason: To protect the appearance of the area, the environment and wildlife, and local residents from light pollution in accordance with policy ENV1 of the South Oxfordshire Local Plan 2035.

Prior to occupation of the final residential unit a plan showing land transferred to the management company or any other interested parties shall be submitted to and approved by the Local Planning Authority. Reason: To clarify and ensure which party is responsible for the maintenance and upkeep of the site in accordance with polices ENV1, DES1 and DES2 of the South Oxfordshire Local Plan 2035.

The hours of operation for construction and demolition works shall be restricted to 08:00-18:00 Monday to Friday and 08:00-13:00 on a Saturday. No work is permitted to take place on Sundays or Public Holidays without the prior written authority of the Local Planning Authority. Reason: To protect the occupants of nearby residential properties from noise disturbance in accordance with policy DES6 of the South Oxfordshire Local Plan 2035.

The garage accommodation hereby approved shall be retained as such and shall not be adapted for living purposes without planning permission from the Local Planning Authority. Reason: In the interests of highway safety and to ensure the provision of adequate off-street car parking in accordance with Policy TRANS5 of the South Oxfordshire Local Plan 2035.
No appeal lodged.
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