Planning Application Details

P21/S3401/FULApplication Type: Full Application (Show Map - opens in new window)
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Consultation period
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Decision made
Proposed change of use of land to facilitate enlargement of residential curtilage to Unit 5, and construction of single detached garage for Unit 1 at site of the former Cottage, Highlands Lane (original planning permission reference P19/S4085/FUL).
The Cottage Highlands Lane Rotherfield Greys RG9 4PR
Grid Reference
Mr Ben Pontin
c.o agent
The Cottage, Highlands Lane
Rotherfield Greys
Boughton Butler Architecture and Planning
Units 1-2, 1 Crucible Terrace
Woodbury Lane
Case Officer
Tom Wyatt
Telephone: 01235 422600
Consultation / Notification
No further Representations on this application will be accepted.

Consultations / Notifications to date are shown below.

Name / Number
Date Sent
Response Date
Henley-on-Thames Town Council
c/o Sheridan Jacklin-Edward
Council Offices
Town Hall
Market Place
11 08 2021
06 09 2021
Countryside Officer (South and Vale)
11 08 2021
23 09 2021
Forestry Officer (South and Vale)
11 08 2021
02 09 2021
South -Highways Liaison Officer (Oxfordshire County Council)
11 08 2021
3 Horse Leys
Rotherfield Greys
10 08 2021
1 Horse Leys
Rotherfield Greys
10 08 2021
5 Long Dean
Rotherfield Greys
10 08 2021
1 Flint Close
Rotherfield Greys
10 08 2021
2 Flint Close
Rotherfield Greys
10 08 2021
Natural England
01 10 2021
19 10 2021
Application Type
Minor (Full Application)
Application Progress
Date Received  
29th July 2021
Registration Date  
29th July 2021
Start Consultation Period  
10th August 2021
End Consultation Period  
1st September 2021
Target Decision Date  
23rd September 2021
Planning Permission on 7th January 2022
Conditions / Refusal Reasons
The development to which this permission relates must be begun not later than the expiration of three years beginning with the date of this permission. Reason: By virtue of Sections 91 to 95 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 as amended by section 51 of the Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act 2004.

That the development hereby approved shall be carried out in accordance with the details shown on the following approved plans, 94, 95 and 92 Rev L, except as controlled or modified by conditions of this permission. Reason: To secure the proper planning of the area in accordance with Development Plan policies.

Notwithstanding the provisions of the Town and Country Planning (General Permitted Development) Order 2015 (or any Order revoking or re-enacting that Order) the provision within the extended garden area of Unit 5 hereby approved of any building, enclosure or swimming pool as described in Schedule 2, Part 1, Class E of the Order shall not be undertaken without obtaining planning permission from the Local Planning Authority. Reason: To safeguard the character of the area and the special interest of the SSSI in accordance with Policies DES1, DES2 and ENV2 of the South Oxfordshire Local Plan 2035.

Prior to the occupation of the dwelling associated with Unit 5 a management plan for that part of the site lying within the Highlands Farm Pit SSSI shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. The management plan shall address any activities that are likely to affect the potential to access the interest features or to disturb them in such a way that the features and/or their context are damaged. This should include (but not be limited to): 1. Any impacts on sediments within the SSSI boundary. 2. Impacts on accessibility to the interest features of the SSSI arising from the installation of the drain to the soakaway and the soakaway itself. 3. Mitigating the impact of any tree removal (including roots and stumps) within the SSSI, which may further disturb and disrupt the interest features of the SSSI. 4. Addressing the potential impact of hedgerow planting on the north side of No. 5, in terms of impacts on accessibility to the interest features of the SSSI, as well as disturbance of the interest features through root address the activities that are likely to affect the potential to access the interest features or to disturb them in such a way that the features and/or their context are damaged. Reason: To protect the features of special interest of the SSSI in accordance with Policy ENV2 of the South Oxfordshire Local Plan 2035.

Prior to the occupation or use of the development hereby approved a scheme for the landscaping of the site, including the planting of live trees and shrubs, the treatment of the access road and hard standings, and the provision of boundary treatment shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. These details shall include schedules of new trees and shrubs to be planted (noting species, plant sizes and numbers/densities), the identification of the existing trees and shrubs on the site to be retained (noting species, location and spread), any earth moving operations and finished levels/contours, and an implementation programme. The scheme shall be implemented prior to the first occupation or use of development and thereafter be maintained in accordance with the approved scheme. In the event of any of the trees or shrubs so planted dying or being seriously damaged or destroyed within 5 years of the completion of the development, a new tree or shrub or equivalent number of trees or shrubs, as the case may be, of a species first approved by the Local Planning Authority, shall be planted and properly maintained in a position or positions first approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. Reason: To help to assimilate the development into its surroundings in accordance with Policies ENV1, DES1 and DES2 of the South Oxfordshire Local Plan 2035.

The garage accommodation hereby approved shall be retained as such and shall not be adapted for living purposes without planning permission from the Local Planning Authority. Reason: In the interests of highway safety and to ensure the provision of adequate off-street car parking in accordance with Policy TRANS5 of the South Oxfordshire Local Plan 2035.

That the materials to be used for the external walls and roofs of the garage hereby approved shall be of the same colour, type and texture as those used on the associated dwelling on Unit 1 unless otherwise agreed in writing by the Local Planning Authority. Reason: In the interests of the visual appearance of the development in accordance with Policies DES1 and DES2 of the South Oxfordshire Local Plan 2035.
No appeal lodged.
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