Planning Application Details

P20/S2227/FULApplication Type: Full Application (Show Map - opens in new window)
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Consultation period
Application under consideration
Decision made
Change of Use from Paddock to Equestrian Land. Construction of an all weather riding arena measuring 20 metres by 40 metres (800 Square Metres).The proposed development will be fenced in using post & rail in keeping with existing fencing.
Land Opposite Spring Cottage Cold Harbour Goring Heath RG8 7SY
Grid Reference
Mrs Emma Dag
Spring Cottage
Cold Harbour
Goring Heath
Mrs Emma Dag
Spring Cottage
Cold Harbour
Goring Heath
Case Officer
Caitlin Phillpotts
Telephone: 01235 422600
Consultation / Notification
No further Representations on this application will be accepted.

Consultations / Notifications to date are shown below.

Name / Number
Date Sent
Response Date
Goring Heath Parish Council
c/o Mrs Amanda Holland
2 New Buildings
Whitchurch Hill
26 08 2020
11 09 2020
Laurel Cottage
Goring Heath
25 08 2020
14 09 2020
Drainage - (South&Vale)
26 08 2020
21 09 2020
Goring Heath
25 08 2020
Application Type
Minor (Full Application)
Application Progress
Date Received  
25th June 2020
Registration Date  
14th August 2020
Start Consultation Period  
25th August 2020
End Consultation Period  
16th September 2020
Target Decision Date  
9th October 2020
Planning Permission on 7th October 2020
Conditions / Refusal Reasons
The development to which this permission relates must be begun not later than the expiration of three years beginning with the date of this permission. Reason: By virtue of Sections 91 to 95 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 as amended by section 51 of the Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act 2004.

That the development hereby approved shall be carried out in accordance with the details shown on the following approved plans, COM001, LOC001b, BLO001c and SP-001, except as controlled or modified by conditions of this permission. Reason: To secure the proper planning of the area in accordance with Development Plan policies.

The exterior of the development hereby permitted shall only be constructed in the materials specified on the plans and supporting documents hereby approved or in materials which shall previously have been approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. Reason: In the interests of the visual appearance of the development in accordance with Policies CS1, CSEN1 and CSQ3 of the South Oxfordshire Core Strategy 2027 and Policies C4, D1, G2 and G4 of the South Oxfordshire Local Plan 2011, with the relevant weight afforded to policies set out in the emerging South Oxfordshire Local Plan 2035.

The development hereby approved does not grant permission for the addition of any external lighting to facilitate the use of the private riding school. No external lighting shall be erected at the site without express permission from the Local Planning Authority. Any future proposed lighting scheme at the site shall be submitted to the Local Planning Authority for consideration under a separate application for planning permission. Reason: To protect the appearance of the immediate area, the wider Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty, local wildlife population and neighbouring residential properties from light pollution in accordance with Policies CS1, CSB1, CSEN1 and CSQ3 of the South Oxfordshire Core Strategy 2027, Policies C4, C6, D1, EP2, EP3, G2, G4, R8 and R10 of the South Oxfordshire Local Plan 2011, with the relevant weight afforded to polices set out in the emerging South Oxfordshire Local Plan 2035.

The development hereby approved is for private use by local residential properties in connection with the established equestrian use of the site and shall not be used for any commercial activities. Reason: A commercial use would represent an undesirable use in an isolated rural location beyond the confines of an existing settlement and, in the opinion of the Local Planning Authority, there exists no operational necessity for such use to be located at this site, and that such a use would seriously detract from the rural character of the locality and be contrary to the proper planning of the locality in accordance with Policies CS1, CSB1, CSEN1 and CSQ3 of the South Oxfordshire Core Strategy 2027 and Policies C4, C6, D1, EP2, EP3, G2, G4, R8 and R10 of the South Oxfordshire Local Plan 2011, with the relevant weight afforded to polices set out in the emerging South Oxfordshire Local Plan 2035.
No appeal lodged.
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