Planning Application Details

P16/S3288/HHApplication Type: Householder (Show Map - opens in new window)
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Application registered
Consultation period
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Decision made
Demolition of existing lean-to extension attached to the existing house. Construction of single-storey replacement lean-to extension. (As amended by plans and additional information received 07/11/2016 - reduced number of roof lights)
Candleford Cottage 35 Chapel Street WATLINGTON OX49 5QU
Grid Reference
Professor and Mrs R Procter
42 Hockerley Lane
Whaley Bridge
SK23 7AU
 Rhian Woods
Purple Architects Ltd
31 Couching Street
OX49 5QF
Watlington Conservation Area
Case Officer
Edward Church
Telephone: 01235 422600
Consultation / Notification
No further Representations on this application will be accepted.

Consultations / Notifications to date are shown below.

Name / Number
Date Sent
Response Date
Watlington Parish Council
c/o Ms K Tynan
Watlington Parish Office
1 Old School Place
OX49 5QH
08 11 2016
17 11 2016
45 Chapel Street
OX49 5QU
08 11 2016
41 Chapel Street
OX49 5QU
08 11 2016
24 10 2016
The Chequers
58 Love Lane
OX49 5RA
08 11 2016
Meadow Cottage
29 Chapel Street
OX49 5QU
08 11 2016
Meadow Court
11 New Road
OX49 5QS
08 11 2016
43 Chapel Street
OX49 5QU
08 11 2016
1 Court Close
OX49 5BJ
08 11 2016
Application Type
Other (Householder)
Application Progress
Date Received  
30th September 2016
Registration Date  
4th October 2016
Start Consultation Period  
6th October 2016
End Consultation Period  
22nd November 2016
Target Decision Date  
6th December 2016
Planning Permission on 6th December 2016
Conditions / Refusal Reasons
The development to which this permission relates must be begun not later than the expiration of three years beginning with the date of this permission. Reason: By virtue of Sections 91 to 95 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 as amended by section 51 of the Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act 2004.

That the development hereby approved shall be carried out in accordance with the details shown on the following approved plans, 0.40, 0.30, 0.10, 0.20, 1.30A, 1.30 and 1.40 C, except as controlled or modified by conditions of this permission. Reason: To secure the proper planning of the area in accordance with Development Plan policies.

The exterior of the development hereby permitted shall only be constructed in the materials specified on the plans hereby approved, in materials as stated on the submitted application form or in materials which shall previously have been approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. Reason: In the interests of the visual appearance of the site and surrounding Conservation Area in accordance with Policies CSEN3 and CSQ3 of the South Oxfordshire Core Strategy 2027 and Policies H13, CON7, G2 and D1 of the South Oxfordshire Local Plan 2011.

The rooflights hereby approved in the south eastern elevation shall be set flush with the plane of the roof in which they are to be inserted. Reason: In the interests of the visual appearance of the development in accordance with Policies CSEN3 and CSQ3 of the South Oxfordshire Core Strategy 2027 and Policies H13, CON7, G2 and D1 of the South Oxfordshire Local Plan 2011.

The roof lights on the proposed south east elevation hereby approved, which are shown on plan as being obscure glazed and non-opening, shall be glazed in obscure glass, and shall be fixed shut prior to the first occupation of the accommodation and shall be retained as such thereafter. Reason: To ensure that the development is not unneighbourly in accordance with Policies H13 of the South Oxfordshire Local Plan 2011.

Notwithstanding the provisions of the Town and Country Planning (General Permitted Development) Order 2015 (as amended) (or any Order revoking or re-enacting that Order), the following permitted development rights are removed from the entirety of Candleford Cottage, 35 Chapel Street, Watlington, Oxfordshire, OX49 5QU: 1. Part 1, Class C - alterations to the roof of a dwellinghouse. Reason: In the interests of the visual appearance of the site and surrounding Conservation Area in accordance with Policies CSEN3 and CSQ3 of the South Oxfordshire Core Strategy 2027 and Policies H13, CON7, G2 and D1 of the South Oxfordshire Local Plan 2011.
No appeal lodged.
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