Planning Application Details

P14/S1734/FULApplication Type: Full Application (Show Map - opens in new window)
Status Bar
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Application registered
Consultation period
Application under consideration
Decision made
Proposed solar PV development consisting of mounted solar panel modules, power inverter/transformer systems and housings, power connections, fencing and associated works. (As clarified by Agent's letter addressing CPRE concerns dated 26 June 2014)
Part of Easington Farm near Monument Business Park Chalgrove
Grid Reference
Chalgrove Solar Ltd
JPPC- Chartered Town Planners
Bagley Croft
Hinksey Hill
Case Officer
Sharon Crawford
Telephone: 01235 422600
View officers committee report (13/08/2014) here
Consultation / Notification
No further Representations on this application will be accepted.

Consultations / Notifications to date are shown below.

Name / Number
Date Sent
Response Date
Health & Housing - Env. Protection Team
13 06 2014
17 06 2014
Chalgrove Parish Council
c/o Miss J Donoghue
13 Laurel Close
OX44 7RE
14 06 2014
10 07 2014
Cuxham Parish Meeting
Mrs Proctor
4A Gregory Estate
OX49 5NL
14 06 2014
04 07 2014
Civil Aviation Authority
13 06 2014
Countryside Officer(South Oxfordshire & Vale of White Horse)
14 06 2014
04 07 2014
Highways Liaison Officer (Oxfordshire County Council)
14 06 2014
Oxfordshire County Council One Voice
14 06 2014
04 07 2014
Hampden House
Unit 5 Greenacres Courtyard
Monument Business Park
Warpsgrove Lane
OX44 7RW
13 06 2014
25 06 2014
Graham Packaging Ltd
1 Irton House Tower Estate
Warpsgrove Lane
OX44 7XZ
13 06 2014
Ofquest Ltd
Irton House
Warpsgrove Lane
OX44 7TH
13 06 2014
1 Tower Estate
Warpsgrove Lane
OX44 7XZ
13 06 2014
2 Tower Estate
Warpsgrove Lane
OX44 7XZ
13 06 2014
3 Tower Estate
Warpsgrove Lane
OX44 7XZ
13 06 2014
4 Tower Estate
Warpsgrove Lane
OX44 7XZ
13 06 2014
5 Tower Estate
Warpsgrove Lane
OX44 7XZ
13 06 2014
Dower House
OX49 5AZ
13 06 2014
03 07 2014
Old Rectory
OX49 5AZ
13 06 2014
Easington Cottage
OX49 5AZ
13 06 2014
Easington Manor
OX49 5AZ
13 06 2014
Thame District
Camilla Cottage
OX33 1JT
23 06 2014
County Chair, and Access and Bridleways Officer
British Horse Society Oxfordshire
10 Tree Lane
30 06 2014
88 Hill Road
OX49 5AF
01 07 2014
via email
07 07 2014
Derek & Gill Lester
2 Farm Close
OX44 7RL
15 07 2014
Application Type
Major (Full Application)
Application Progress
Date Received  
3rd June 2014
Registration Date  
3rd June 2014
Start Consultation Period  
3rd June 2014
End Consultation Period  
17th July 2014
Target Decision Date  
2nd September 2014
Target Committee Meeting  
13th August 2014
Planning Permission on 14th August 2014
Conditions / Refusal Reasons
The development to which this permission relates must be begun not later than the expiration of three years beginning with the date of this permission. Reason: By virtue of Sections 91 to 95 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 as amended by section 51 of the Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act 2004. Related application(s): P14/S3137/DIS, P14/S3365/DIS

That the development hereby approved shall be carried out in accordance with the details shown on the following approved plans, DWG002, DWG003, DWG004, DWG005, DWG006, DWG007, DWG008, DWG009, AMN-DWG001, AMN-BP-DWG001, S814-0462-P-001, S814-0462-P-002, S814-0462-P-003, S814-0462-P-004, S814-0462-P-005, S814-0462-P-006 and S814-0462-P-007, except as controlled or modified by conditions of this permission. Reason: To secure the proper planning of the area in accordance with Development Plan policies. Related application(s): P14/S3365/DIS

The planning permission hereby granted is for a period from the date of this decision until the date occurring 25 years after the date of commencement of the development hereby permitted. Written notification of the date of commencement shall be given to the local planning authority no later than 14 days after the event. Reason: In view of the temporary nature of the development and in accordance with Policy G2 of the adopted South Oxfordshire Local Plan. Related application(s): P14/S3365/DIS

No later than 12 months prior to the end of this permission, a site restoration scheme shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the local planning authority. The scheme shall include a programme of works to remove the solar panels and related equipment, and shall be fully implemented within 12 months of the expiry of this permission. Reason: To safeguard the character of the area in accordance with Policy CSEN1 of the South Oxfordshire Core Strategy 2027 and Policy G2 of the South Oxfordshire Local Plan 2011.

The solar panels hereby approved shall not exceed 3 metres in height above ground level. Reason: To safeguard the character of the area in accordance with Policy CSEN1 of the South Oxfordshire Core Strategy 2027 and Policy G2 of the South Oxfordshire Local Plan 2011.

Prior to the commencement of the development a professional archaeological organisation acceptable to the Local Planning Authority shall prepare an Archaeological Written Scheme of Investigation, relating to the application site area, which shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. Reason: To safeguard the recording of archaeological matters within the site in accordance with the NPPF (2012).

Following the approval of the Written Scheme of Investigation referred to in condition 6, and prior to any demolition on the site and the commencement of the development (other than in accordance with the agreed Written Scheme of Investigation), a staged programme of archaeological evaluation and mitigation shall be carried out by the commissioned archaeological organisation in accordance with the approved Written Scheme of Investigation. The programme of work shall include all processing, research and analysis necessary to produce an accessible and useable archive and a full report for publication which shall be submitted to the Local Planning Authority. Reason - To safeguard the identification, recording, analysis and archiving of heritage assets before they are lost and to advance understanding of the heritage assets in their wider context through publication and dissemination of the evidence in accordance with the NPPF (2012).

That a scheme for the landscaping of the site, including the planting of live trees and shrubs, shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority prior to the commencement of the development hereby permitted. The scheme shall be implemented as approved within 12 months of the commencement of the approved development and thereafter be maintained in accordance with the approved scheme. In the event of any of the trees or shrubs so planted dying or being seriously damaged or destroyed within 5 years of the completion of the development, a new tree or shrub or equivalent number of trees or shrubs, as the case may be, of a species first approved by the Local Planning Authority, shall be planted and properly maintained in a position or positions first approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. Reason: To help to assimilate the development into its surroundings in accordance with Policy CSQ3 of the South Oxfordshire Core Strategy 2027 and Policies G2, C9 and D1 of the South Oxfordshire Local Plan 2011.

The development hereby permitted shall be implemented in accordance with the mitigation and enhancement recommendations contained in chapters 5.2, 5.3 and 5.4 of the Extended Phase 1 Habitat Survey (UE June 2014) submitted with the application in all respects. REASON: To protect the important species on the site, in accordance with Policy CSB1 of the Core Strategy and Policy C8 of the adopted Local Plan

Prior to the first occupation of the development hereby approved, the parking and turning areas shall be provided in accordance with the approved plan AMN-DWG001 and shall be constructed, laid out, surfaced, drained and completed, and shall be retained unobstructed except for the parking of vehicles associated with the development at all times. Reason: In the interests of highway safety and in accordance with Policies T1 and T2 Appendix 5 (Car Parking Standards) of the South Oxfordshire Local Plan 2011. For the avoidance of doubt: Any introduced manoeuvring area surfacing used shall be installed to be compliant with Sustainable Drainage (SuDS) regulations. Any unbound material used in production of any manoeuvring space shall be retained on site through some mechanism to be submitted for approval to the LA and shall be constructed, laid out, surfaced drained and completed in accordance with approved plans

The proposed vision splay shall be formed, laid out and constructed in accordance with detailed plans which shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority prior to the first use of the solar farm and the land within the splays shall not be obstructed by any object, structure, planting or other material with a height exceeding or growing above 900 millimetres as measured from carriageway level. Reason: This is necessary due to the plans to install a hedge at the access point in the interest of highway safety in accordance with Policy T1 of the South Oxfordshire Local Plan 2011.

Any gates provided shall be set back a minimum of 10.0 metres from the back of the footway and shall not open outwards from the site. Reason: To ensure that vehicles may wait clear of the carriageway or footway while the gates are opened or closed in the interests of highway safety in accordance with Policy T1 of the South Oxfordshire Local Plan 2011.

A Construction Traffic Management Plan (CTMP) will be required to be submitted for approval and the approved CTMP shall be implemented prior to any works being carried out on site. Reason: In the interests of highway safety and to mitigate the impact of construction and decommisioning vehicles on the surrounding highway network, road infrastructure and local residents, particularly at morning and afternoon peak traffic times and in accordance with Policy T1 of the South Oxfordshire Local Plan 2011. Informatory: A Construction (Decommissioning) Traffic Management Plan (CTMP) typically would be expected to contain some or all of the following in detail: NOTE: All the following applies to the equivalent decommissioning activity to be regulated in the same way to the commissioning process: · The CTMP must be appropriately titled, include the site and planning permission number. · Routing of construction traffic and delivery vehicles is required to be shown and signed appropriately to the necessary standards/requirements. This includes means of access into the site. · Details of and approval of any road closures needed during construction. · Details of and approval of any traffic management needed during construction. · Details of wheel cleaning/wash facilities - to prevent mud etc, in vehicle tyres/wheels, from migrating onto adjacent highway. · Details of appropriate signing, to accord with the necessary standards/requirements, for pedestrians during construction works, including any footpath diversions. · The erection and maintenance of security hoarding / scaffolding if required. · A regime to inspect and maintain all signing, barriers etc. · Contact details of the Project Manager and Site Supervisor responsible for on-site works to be provided. · The use of appropriately trained, qualified and certificated banksmen for guiding vehicles/unloading etc. · No unnecessary parking of site related vehicles (worker transport etc) in the vicinity - details of where these will be parked and occupiers transported to/from site to be submitted for consideration and approval. Areas to be shown on a plan not less than 1:500. · Layout plan of the site that shows structures, roads, site storage, compound, pedestrian routes etc. · A before-work commencement highway condition survey and agreement with a representative of the Highways Depot - contact 0845 310 1111. Final correspondence is required to be submitted. · Local residents to be kept informed of significant deliveries and liaised with through the project. Contact details for person to whom issues should be raised with in first instance to be provided and a record kept of these and subsequent resolution. · Any temporary access arrangements to be agreed with and approved by Highways Depot. · Details of times for construction traffic and delivery vehicles, which must be outside network peak and school peak hours.
No appeal lodged.
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