Planning Application Details

P05/E0183Application Type: No Type (Show Map - opens in new window)
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Application registered
Consultation period
Application under consideration
Decision made
Erection of 2 storey replacement dwelling. (As amended by letter and drawing number 2167/07 received from agent on 15 March 2005).
Kiln Land, Kiln Lane Binfield Heath RG9 4ES
Grid Reference
Mr M Jiggens
c/o Kiln Land
Kiln Lane
Binfield Heath
The Day Tanner Partnership
55 Church Street
Case Officer
Mrs A.M.Fettiplace
Telephone: 01235 422600
Consultation / Notification
No further Representations on this application will be accepted.

Consultations / Notifications to date are shown below.

Name / Number
Date Sent
Response Date
c/o Mrs B Dobson
26 Green Lane
Sonning Common
07 06 2005
07 03 2005
Tech.Dir, Monson Ltd
16 02 2005
18 02 2005
Monson Ltd
18 02 2005
09 03 2005
Planning Liaison Team Leader
18 02 2005
21 03 2005
Application Type
Application Progress
Date Received  
9th February 2005
Registration Date  
15th February 2005
Start Consultation Period  
15th February 2005
End Consultation Period  
14th March 2005
Target Decision Date  
12th April 2005
Planning Permission on 11th April 2005
Conditions / Refusal Reasons
That the development must be begun not later than the expiration of five years beginning with the date of this permission and if this condition is not complied with this permission shall lapse. Reason: By virtue of Sections 91 to 95 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990.

That samples of the materials to be used for the external walls and roof shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority before any development commences. Reason: To ensure that the details of the development are satisfactory in accordance with Policies G1, G8 and C2 of the adopted South Oxfordshire Local Plan.

That except insofar as may be otherwise agreed by the Local Planning Authority, all trees, shrubs and hedge plants on the land be preserved and properly maintained during the course of building operations and for a period of three years following completion of the development and that in the event of any of the trees, shrubs or hedge plants dying or being seiously damaged or destroyed during that period, a new tree, shrub or hedge plant or equivalent number of trees, shrubs or hedge plants as the case may be of a species first approved by the Local Planning Authority be planted and properly maintained in a position or positions first approved by the Local Planning Authority, such planting to be implemented as approved within 12 months of the loss of the previously existing planting. Reason: To safeguard the character of the area in accordance with Policies G1, G8 and C2 of the adopted South Oxfordshire Local Plan.

That development shall not begin until a detailed specification of the type, design and external finish of all windows and external doors has been submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. Reason: To ensure that the details of the development are satisfactory in accordance with Policies G1, G8 and C2 of the adopted South Oxfordshire Local Plan.

That a scheme for the landscaping of the site, including the planting of live trees and shrubs, the treatment of forecourts and driveways and the provision of boundary fencing and screen walling, shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority prior to the commencement of the development hereby permitted. The scheme shall be implemented as permitted during the first planting season following and thereafter maintained in accordance with the approved scheme. In the event of any of the trees or shrubs so planted being seriously damaged or destroyed within 5 years of the completion of the development, a new tree or shrub or an equivalent number of trees or shrubs, as the case may be, of a species first approved by the Local Planning Authority, be planted and properly maintained in a position or positions first approved by the Local Planning Authority. Reason: To ensure that the details of the development are satisfactory in accordance with Policies G1 and C2 of the adopted South Oxfordshire Local Plan.

That prior to the first occupation of the new dwelling, the existing bungalow and outbuildings within the red edged site area and shown to be demolished on drawing no. 2167/07A, shall be removed and the materials therefrom removed from the site. Reason: To secure the proper planning of the locality in accordance with Policies G1 and C2 of the adopted South Oxfordshire Local Plan.

That no other development shall be carried out on the site unless an application for planning permission in that behalf is first submitted to and approved by the Local Planning Authority, and this condition shall apply notwithstanding the provisions of the Town and Country Planning (General Permitted Development) Order 1995. Reason: To secure the proper planning of the locality in accordance with Poliices G1, G8, C2 and H16 of the adopted South Oxfordshire Local Plan.
No appeal lodged.
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