Planning Application Details

P03/S0182Application Type: No Type (Show Map - opens in new window)
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Application registered
Consultation period
Application under consideration
Decision made
Construction of six two storey houses. (As clarified by Agents letter dated 28th November 2003).
Pages Orchard, Sonning Common
Grid Reference
SOHA Housing Ltd
Didcot Office
Royal Scot House
99 Station Road
OX11 7NN
BBA Architects
Henrietta Mews
Case Officer
Stacey Coster
Telephone: 01235 422600
Consultation / Notification
No further Representations on this application will be accepted.

Consultations / Notifications to date are shown below.

Name / Number
Date Sent
Response Date
c/o Mr A E Badcock
Village Hall
Wood Lane
Sonning Common
17 12 2003
Tech.Dir, Monson Ltd
19 03 2003
Area Liaison Officer
05 02 2004
2 Watlington Street
28 Ashford Avenue
Sonning Common
27 Ashford Avenue
Sonning Common
37 Baskerville Road
Sonning Common
26 03 2003
Assess Orchard
33 Baskerville Road
Sonning Common
35 Baskerville Road
Sonning Common
27 03 2003
35 Crowsley Way
Sonning Common
31 Crowsley Way
Sonning Common
33 Crowsley Way
Sonning Common
29 Crowsley Way
Sonning Common
27a Crowsley Road
Sonning Common
27 Crowsley Way
Sonning Common
25a Crowsley Way
Sonning Common
3 Pages Orchard
Sonning Common
1 Pages Orchard
Sonning Common
2 Pages Orchard
Sonning Common
29 Ashford Avenue
Sonning Common
5 Pages Orchard
Sonning Common
7 Pages Orchard
Sonning Common
25 Crowsley Way
Sonning Common
Monson Ltd
09 04 2003
Thames Water Development Cntrl
33 Baskerville Road
Sonning Common
28 03 2003
Application Type
Application Progress
Date Received  
10th March 2003
Registration Date  
10th March 2003
Start Consultation Period  
10th March 2003
End Consultation Period  
9th April 2003
Target Decision Date  
5th May 2003
Planning Permission on 28th April 2004
Conditions / Refusal Reasons
That the development must be begun not later than the expiration of five years beginning with the date of this permission and if this condition is not complied with this permission shall lapse. Reason: By virtue of Sections 91 to 95 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990.

That samples of all materials to be used in the external construction and finishes of the development hereby permitted shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority before the development is commenced. Reason: To safeguard the character of the area in accordance with Policies G1 and H4 of the adopted South Oxfordshire Local Plan.

That development shall not begin until a detailed specification of the type, design and external finish of all windows (including cills and heads), external doors, eaves, fascias and rainwater goods has been submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. Reason: To safeguard the character of the area in accordance with Policies G1 and G8 of the adopted South Oxfordshire Local Plan.

That a scheme for the landscaping of the site including protection measures for the retained tree (in accordance with the recommendations contained in BS 5837: Trees in relation to construction) details of the surface treatments for the access and parking areas and details of the garden outbuildings shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority prior to the commencement of development. The protection measures for the tree shall be provided as approved prior to the commencement of construction and kept in place whilst building operations are in progress. The planting shall be carried out in the first planting season after construction works have finished or prior to the first occupation of the dwellings which ever is sooner. The surface treatments works shall be completed prior to the first occupation of any dwelling. Reason: To safeguard the character of the area and the existing tree on the site in accordance with Policies G1, G8, G9 and C16 of the adopted South Oxfordshire Local Plan.

That notwithstanding the provisions of Article 3 of, and Classes A, B, and C of Part 1 of Schedule 2 to the Town and Country Planning (General Permitted Development) Order 1995 (or any order revoking or re-enacting that Order), no development within the specified classes shall be carried out on the land unless planning permission has first been granted by the Local Planning Authority on a formal application in respect thereof. Reason: To protect the amenities of occupants of the surrounding properties in accordance with Policies G1 and H4 of the adopted South Oxfordshire Local Plan.

That prior to the commencement of any other development to which this permission relates, the means of access between the land and the highway shall be formed, laid out and constructed strictly in accordance with the deposited plan reference 2291/101 and the Oxfordshire County Council's specification for the construction of estate streets and all ancillary works therein specified shall be undertaken strictly in accordance with the said specification and deposited plan. Reason: In the interests of highway safety and convenience in accordance with Policy G10 of the adopted South Oxfordshire Local Plan.

That the parking provision shall be as shown on the deposited drawing, reference 2291/101 all constructed, surfaced and laid out prior to the first occupation of the dwellings. Thereafter the car parking spaces shall be retained and maintained to the satisfaction of the Local Planning Authority. Reason: To comply with the Local Planning Authority's vehicle parking standards and to protect local amenities in accordance with Policies G11 of the adopted South Oxfordshire Local Plan.

That notwithstanding the provisions of the Town and Country Planning (General Permitted Development) Order 1995 (or any order revoking and re-enacting that Order) no windows or other openings shall be constructed at first floor level in any of the dwellings other than those expressly authorised by this permission. Reason: To ensure that the development is not unneighbourly in accordance with Policies G1 and H4 of the adopted South Oxfordshire Local Plan.

That details of surface water drainage works shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority prior to the development commencing. Reason: In the interests of public health in accordance with Policies G1 and G7 of the adopted South Oxfordshire Local Plan.
No appeal lodged.
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