Planning Application Details

P01/W0500Application Type: No Type (Show Map - opens in new window)
Status Bar
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Application registered
Consultation period
Application under consideration
Decision made
Change of use from public house to single dwelling.
The Plough Inn, Abingdon Road, Dorchester
Grid Reference
Morrells of Oxford Limited
The Lion Brewery
St. Thomas Street
Paul Houghton
John Phillips Planning Consult
Bagley Croft
Hinksey Hill
Dorchester Conservation Area
Grade II Listed Building
Case Officer
Mr A.J.Coggins
Telephone: 01235 422600
Consultation / Notification
No further Representations on this application will be accepted.

Consultations / Notifications to date are shown below.

Name / Number
Date Sent
Response Date
c/o Mr G G D Russell
The Pigeons,
High Street,
OX10 7HH
12 07 2001
Tech.Dir,Babtie Engineering S.
20 06 2001
Area Liaison Officer
26 06 2001
Conservation Officer
25 06 2001
Dorchester-on-Thames Society
12 Manor Farm Road
Application Type
Application Progress
Date Received  
8th June 2001
Registration Date  
8th June 2001
Start Consultation Period  
8th June 2001
End Consultation Period  
12th July 2001
Target Decision Date  
3rd August 2001
Planning Permission on 18th July 2001
Conditions / Refusal Reasons
That the development must be begun not later than the expiration of five years beginning with the date of this permission and if this condition is not complied with this permission shall lapse. Reason: By virtue of Sections 91 to 95 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990.

That development shall not begin until a detailed specification of all external alterations to effect the change of use to a dwellinghouse has been submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. Reason: To safeguard the architectural and historic character and appearance of the listed building in accordance with Policies Con 5 and Con 6 of the South Oxfordshire Local Plan.

That a scheme for the landscaping of the site including the planting of live trees and shrubs, the provision of boundary fencing and screen walling and the treatment of the existing access road and hardstandings if these are no longer required shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority prior to the commencement of the development hereby permitted. The scheme shall be implemented as approved within 12 months of the commencement of the approved development and thereafter be maintained in accordance with the approved scheme to the complete satisfaction of the Local Planning Authority. In the event of any of the trees or shrubs so planted dying or being seriously damaged or destroyed within 3 years of the completion of the development, a new tree or shrub or equivalent number of trees or shrubs, as the case may be, of a species first approved by the Local Planning Authority, be planted and properly maintained in a position or positions first approved by the Local Planning Authority. Reason: To help to assimilate the development into its surroundings in accordance with Policy G9 of the South Oxfordshire Local Plan.
No appeal lodged.
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