Building Control Application Details

B96.0078 (Show Map - opens in new window)
1 Spring Cottage, Tagg Lane, Dunsden Green, Eye & Dunsden
Mrs L McKenna
1 Spring Cottage
Tagg Lane
Dunsden Green
Nr Reading  RG4 9PN
Mrs L McKenna
1 Spring Cottage
Tagg Lane
Dunsden Green
Nr Reading  RG4 9PN
Case Officer
No officer has yet been assigned.

The consultation process will begin once the officer has been allocated.
Application Type
Building Notice
Application Progress
Date Received  
24th January 1996
Registration Date  
26th January 1996
Target Decision Date  
26th January 1996
No decision Issued
These Building Control Application Details were returned live from our back office database, and as such are as up to date as when the page was retrieved.